Create, view & delete Literacy Checks

To start creating and assigning Literacy Checks select Literacy Check Assign under Tools on the teacher dashboard:

  1. Enter a name for the Literacy Check
  2. Select the Year/Grade
  3. Tick the chosen strands
  4. Tick to select all (or each student for individual students)

When a student already has a literacy check assigned the tick box next to their name appears blue:

Only one Literacy check can be assigned to a student at a time. To remove a Literacy Check from a student select the blue box and unassign:

NOTE: Literacy Checks will take precedence over other assigned work. ​ When students have completed their Literacy Checks the results can be viewed in Literacy Check Report found under Reports on the teacher dashboard:

In the Check dropdown box all assigned checks can be viewed:

Literacy Checks can be reassigned. However if a student has not completed the check and reassign is selected the message below will appear:

When a Literacy Check is reassigned it will appear again with a new creation date in the Check dropdown box:

The aggregate results show the most recent 3 checks and student average proficiency per strand is listed against each student:

Proficent = 85% - 100%

Near Proficient = 65% - 84%

Working towards = 0% - 64% ​

If a Literacy Check has been unassigned the Unassigned from Check symbol will appear in the completed section next to the student name: